Oregon Trial Lawyer:
I left LA to fulfill a dream to relocate my family of five to a twenty-acre parcel of land near Ashland, Oregon. I got an Oregon Bar license in July 1993, and after discovering that I could expect to make about one dollar for every five I’d been making in LA, I took a job as a Deputy DA IN the Jackson County District Attorney’s Office, prosecuting misdemeanors and the occasional felony. Think major poverty as the public servant commutes to his twenty acres forty minutes away in a remote valley, driving twisty mountain roads every day to go try cases in the Jackson County Justice Center.
After a little more than I year, it surprised no one when I embarked on a somewhat celebrated career as the pony-tailed trial lawyer of Jackson and Josephine counties. These are some real rough and tumble courthouses, and by that I mean that often, the judges will administer a little whipping to the new boy. But when they saw how I argued my position honestly, put on an efficient case, spoke directly to the jurors, and won verdicts, I always got their respect. To this day I tell you, I love Jo County juries, which amazingly almost always either gave me a good result, and one really great hung jury. Jackson County juries, on the other hand, are mild and passionless. Portland juries are actually my favorites.